

we don’t exist as a country…
we don’t exist as a language…
we don’t exist as a culture…
we don't exist! we are not
we are silent, we don't talk.

maybe that has something to do with me hearing voices
unless I am just blind
either one, or maybe both
as my schizophrenic nature
researcher or artist
writer or scientist
since limited people like me cannot be both

Nature aldizkariak hau argitaratu zuen atzo. Hor, gutxi gora behera, zera esaten da; "cultural evolution is the primary factor that determines linguistic structure". Ez baduzu ulertzen, begiratu zure inguruan. Agian hobeto ulertuko duzu. Hemen Nature aldizkariak berak eginiko komentarioa.

Nire lagun Patrickek Cambridgetik bidalitako erantzuna:
"may be that has to do with the basque
standing alone out of any tree?
as an independant way of life,
out of any indo european rules
a place where shizophrenia is not so fool ;-)"

Only someone like Patrick
as creative and smart
could have such a genuine glimpse of clarity
and such a fantastic sense of humor...
thanks man! you've made my day.

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