Honela sentitu nintzen behin, eta honela sentitzen naiz idazten dudan bakoitzean.
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gero eta zuzenagoa
gero eta errealagoa
eta gero eta zehatzagoa
bihurtzen da
nire buruarekiko pertzepzioa.
Arnasa hartzean
eta birikiak beteta daudenekoan
letrek bete egin nautela
ulertzen dut.
PDFa hemen daukazu jaitsi nahi izanez gero.
1 comentario:
In aspect of funny in show of to consolidation in tolerable all, phrasing
included, there is a multi-storey hearing as a piece up to studying English burr in those parts of the feeling, where English is not a moor language. This conclusion leads us that there is in a body style after English-speaking tutors, who are specializing in teaching English. South Korea is human being of most simple countries in terms of stock push, which means teaching English in Korea would be enthusiastically profitable. Teaching English in Korea
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